Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Configure SQL user to Write to the Event log

The case scenario is : I'm using a SSIS Script task to zip a large number of files and I want to log the 7zip errors to the Event log using System.Diagnostics. Here is the procedure I use to allow the SQL user to write to the event log.

You will need wevtutil normally found in %system32%, if not available you will have to use the registry editor.
1. configure credential for the user
2. determine permissions for the application log : wevtutil gl application > D:\temp\out.txt
3. open the file out.txt :
           name: application    
           enabled: true    
           type: Admin    
           isolation: Application    

            channelAccess: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0007;;;SY)(A;;0x7;;;BA)(A;;0x7;;;SO)(A;;0x3;;;IU)(A;;0x3;;;SU)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-3)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-33)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-32-573)
  logFileName: %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\application.evtx
  retention: false
  autoBackup: false
  maxSize: 20971520
  fileMax: 1

4.          Using the Registry Editor (see original post  from Beth Massi)

You can allow any authenticated user write access to your log or you can allow the specific user SID write access. Open up the registry editor to your event log CustomSD key:

To allow all authenticated users write access add the following security permission:
To allow a specific user write access you would specify their SID:
5.       Modify the registry using wevtutil 
 wevtutil sl Application /ca:<updated channel line>

 Example to give read/write access to authenticated users will will use the 0x3 value:
 wevtutil sl Application /ca: O:BAG:SYD:(A;;0xf0007;;;SY)(A;;0x7;;;BA)(A;;0x7;;;SO)(A;;0x3;;;IU)(A;;0x3;;;SU)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-3)(A;;0x3;;;S-1-5-33)(A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-32-573)(A;;0x3;;;AU)